Posts Tagged ‘autism services irving texas’

Lighting Up the Web Blue: Apps on Sale for Autism Awareness

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013


In honor of Autism Awareness Month, several apps for kids are being offered at discounted prices or for FREE. Here are four sites featuring apps you should look into! Email to give a shout out to your favorite apps- tell us why you like them! Also, look back at the Brent Woodall Foundation’s “Apps to Go!” blog post for information on other apps we like!


The I Teach Hub offers a comprehensive list of applications, organized into relevant categories, including Early Intervention and Curriculum, Social Skills, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Daily Living, and Speech and Language Development.

light it up blue bwf 2013

The iMums website features several apps that are now FREE for Autism Awareness Month. It won’t hurt to try at least some of them!


Smart Apps for Kids features more discounted or free applications and has included the dates for these limited time offers!


Let us know what you find by emailing!


Related blog post: Apps to Go!